The Climate of Jackson, Mississippi

Jackson, the capital and most populous city of Mississippi, has a humid subtropical climate characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, drier winters.

Its location inland from the Gulf of Mexico provides some insulation from the extreme humidity found along the coast.

Summer Climate

Summers in Jackson are long, hot, and humid. High temperatures in July and August average in the low 90s Fahrenheit (32-35°C), with afternoon heat indexes frequently surpassing 100°F (38°C).

The hottest temperature ever recorded in Jackson was 107°F (42°C) on July 29, 1930. Summers are rainier than other seasons, with thunderstorms common in the afternoons. June through September each average 4-5 inches of rainfall.

Typical Summer Weather Patterns

  • Hot and humid with highs in the 90s F and heat indexes over 100°F
  • Afternoon and evening thunderstorms are common
  • Rainfall averages 1-2 inches per week
  • Humidity levels are high, often 70-90%
  • Southerly winds prevail

Tips for Beating the Summer Heat

Jacksonians have adopted various strategies for coping with the intense summer heat and humidity:

  • Stay indoors during the hottest part of the day (11am-4pm)
  • Take frequent cool showers or baths
  • Wear lightweight, light-colored, breathable fabrics
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
  • Avoid strenuous outdoor activities in direct sunlight
  • Use fans and air conditioning
  • Spend time in air-conditioned public places like malls, movie theaters, and libraries

Popular Summer Activities

Despite the heat and humidity, Jacksonians still enjoy many outdoor summer activities:

  • Swimming at public pools and water parks
  • Boating, fishing, and water sports at the Ross Barnett Reservoir
  • Attending concerts and festivals
  • Dining al fresco at restaurants with patios and courtyards
  • Visiting air-conditioned attractions like museums and movie theaters
  • Morning and evening jogs before the heat peaks

Winter Climate

Winters in Jackson are relatively mild, with periods of cool weather interspersed with warmer spells. Daily high temperatures from December to February average in the 50s°F (10-15°C), with overnight lows in the 30s°F (-1 to 4°C).

Typical Winter Weather Patterns

  • Daytime highs in the 50s, lows in the 30s
  • Increased chance of rain and thunderstorms
  • Occasional cold snaps with sub-freezing lows
  • Light snow flurries possible but accumulation is rare
  • Drier air leads to lower humidity
  • North/northwesterly winds common

The coldest temperature on record in Jackson is -5°F (-21°C) on January 27, 1940. While snow falls occasionally, accumulation over an inch is uncommon.

Enjoying the Mild Jackson Winter

Jackson winters are good for:

  • Comfortable daytime outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and golf
  • Bonfires and s’mores in the cool evenings
  • Visiting holiday markets and festivals
  • Sightseeing without extreme heat or cold
  • Lower humidity provides relief for allergy sufferers
  • Open windows to enjoy cooler nighttime temperatures
  • Layering shirts, sweaters, and jackets for the range of temperatures

Spring Climate

Spring in Jackson begins in March and brings warming temperatures and the potential for severe thunderstorms. Highs range from the 60s in March to near 80°F by May. Overnight lows climb from the 40s into the 60s.

Typical Spring Weather Patterns

  • Warming daytime temperatures reaching 80°F by May
  • Increased chance of severe thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes
  • Very wet, with March-May rainfall averaging 5-7 inches per month
  • Humidity begins to climb
  • Flower blooms and tree pollen increase
  • South/southwesterly winds prevail

The potential for tornadoes peaks in March, April, and May in the Mississippi Valley region. Jackson’s most recent major tornado outbreak was on Easter Sunday, April 11, 2020, when multiple twisters caused significant damage.

Rites of Springtime in Jackson

Popular outdoor spring activities in Jackson include:

  • Strolling through fragrant gardens as azaleas and dogwoods bloom
  • Shedding jackets and enjoying warm sunny days in parks
  • Playing golf, tennis, kickball, baseball, and other spring sports
  • Fishing as crappie and bass become more active
  • Canoeing and kayaking on creeks swollen with rainfall
  • More outdoor dining as temperatures warm up
  • Farmers markets open offering early spring produce

Fall Climate

Jackson falls (September through November) are characterized by slowly cooling conditions, lower humidity, and less rainfall. Daily high temperatures decrease from the mid 80s in September to the 60s by November. Overnight lows range from the 60s to the 40s.

Typical Fall Weather Patterns

  • High temperatures decreasing from 80s to 60s
  • Lower humidity than spring and summer
  • Occasional cold fronts drop temperatures
  • Fall foliage peaks in November
  • Rainfall decreases to 3-4 inches per month
  • North/northeasterly winds increase

The falling leaves signal a welcome relief from summer. Football season starts up as the weather becomes more comfortable for outdoor spectating.

Top Autumn Activities in Jackson

Popular fall activities in Jackson include:

  • Tailgating at Jackson State and Mississippi State football games
  • Visiting farms for pumpkin patches and corn mazes
  • Hiking and mountain biking amidst fall foliage
  • Having bonfires and enjoying the milder temperatures
  • Jogging and cycling comfortably with lower humidity
  • Sipping warm beverages on patios as leaves fall
  • Baking with fresh apples, pumpkins, and pecans
  • Shopping fall craft fairs and festivals

Jackson’s Average Monthly Climate Summary

Here are the normal highs, lows, and rainfall during an average year in Jackson:

MonthAverage HighAverage LowAvg Rainfall
January54°F34°F5.2 inches
February59°F37°F4.5 inches
March68°F45°F5.1 inches
April75°F51°F5.0 inches
May82°F61°F5.2 inches
June89°F69°F4.4 inches
July92°F71°F5.1 inches
August92°F71°F3.8 inches
September86°F65°F3.0 inches
October77°F54°F3.5 inches
November68°F45°F4.9 inches
December57°F37°F5.3 inches

Climate Influence on Jackson Culture

Jackson’s long, hot, humid summers and mild winters have strongly influenced the city’s culture and lifestyle. Here are some of the major impacts:


  • Homes and buildings emphasize shade and natural ventilation
  • Large porches, awnings, and verandas are common
  • Light colors reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption
  • Cupolas and roof vents enhance air circulation


  • Lightweight natural fabrics like cotton and linen used extensively
  • Looser garments preferred for breathability
  • Hats and parasols popular as sun shields


  • Spicy, bold flavors match the climate’s heat
  • Refreshing iced tea is the classic regional drink
  • Fresh local produce highlighted seasonally
  • Cookouts and barbecues outdoor dining traditions


  • Slower pace of life during hot summers
  • Outdoor activities in mornings and evenings
  • Afternoon siestas/naps help beat the worst heat
  • Socializing on shaded porches common
  • Air conditioning essential in homes and businesses

How Climate Change is Impacting Jackson

Like much of the Southeastern U.S., Jackson is beginning to experience climate shifts attributed to global warming and rising atmospheric carbon levels. Some of the changes include:

Rising Temperatures

  • Average temperatures increased 1-2°F in recent decades
  • Summers feeling hotter and longer lasting heat waves
  • Higher overnight lows offer less relief

Increased Rainfall

  • Precipitation increased 5-10% in the 20th century
  • More frequent extreme rainfall and flooding events
  • Rain patterns have become more variable

Stronger Storms

  • Tropical storms and hurricanes intensify more rapidly
  • Severe thunderstorms spawn heavier rain and wind
  • Peak tornado season extended due to warmer springs

Earlier Springs

  • Springs arrive 10-14 days earlier than in the 20th century

Longer Growing Season

  • Warmer weather extends the freeze-free growing season by 2-3 weeks
  • Farmers can grow and harvest more crops each year
  • But crops also face more heat stress and droughts

Milder Winters

  • Shorter periods of cold winter temperatures
  • Reduced frequency of winter storms and ice/snow
  • But spells of extreme cold still occur due to polar vortex dips

Increased Wildfires

  • Drier autumns and sporadic rainfall raise wildfire risks
  • Forest, brush, and grassland fires occurring more often

More Ozone Pollution

  • Rising temperatures increase ground-level ozone production
  • Poor air quality during heat waves and stagnant conditions

New and Expanding Pests

  • Warmer winters enable some insects to survive and breed year-round
  • Mosquitoes, ticks, roaches flourishing; diseases spread more
  • Some weeds and invasive plants also expand their ranges

Challenges for Agriculture

  • Longer growing season but also more pests, ozone damage, and extreme weather
  • Summer heat stress reduces crop yields
  • More irrigation needed to offset droughts
  • Farmers adjusting with more heat/drought tolerant varieties

Strains on Water Resources

  • Increasing rainfall variability and more frequent droughts
  • Rising water demands for irrigation, energy production, and drinking
  • Falling water tables and reservoir levels during dry years

Adapting to Jackson’s Changing Climate

Citizens, businesses, and government in Jackson are taking steps to adapt to the changing climate conditions:

Cooling and Energy Efficiency

  • Expanding shade tree cover in neighborhoods
  • Weatherizing homes better with insulation and sealing
  • Encouraging green roofs and cool roofs that reflect sunlight
  • Upgrades to AC systems to handle higher peak temperatures

Stormwater Management

  • Improving drainage systems to control heavier rainfall
  • Building bioswales, rain gardens, and retention basins
  • Implementing projects to reduce urban flood risks

Emergency Preparedness

  • Expanding cooling centers to protect vulnerable residents in heat waves
  • Improving early warning systems for tornadoes, floods, hurricanes
  • Hardening infrastructure against extreme weather impacts

Sustainable Agriculture

  • Developing heat, drought, and disease resistant crop varieties
  • Promoting soil health practices to conserve moisture
  • Expanding irrigation infrastructure like canals and reservoirs
  • Diversifying agriculture with alternative crops and livestock

Water Conservation

  • Removing wasteful fixtures and appliances, rainwater harvesting
  • Reducing leakage in delivery pipes
  • Building new aquifers and raising dam capacities
  • Promoting xeriscaping landscapes with native plants

Public Health Initiatives

  • Monitoring and treating diseases like West Nile amplified by climate change
  • Expanding access to quality air conditioning as heat shield
  • Addressing links between mental health and climate anxiety
  • Improving nutritional programs to combat food insecurity

By taking proactive measures to adapt to the changing climate, Jackson can build resilience and continue thriving environmentally, economically, and culturally for generations to come.

The city’s renowned Southern hospitality will surely persevere, even in an altered climate.

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  • Start out heading southeast on I-55 S toward Jackson. Take exit 98B toward MS-18/Adams St/US-51. Keep left to stay on Exit 98B and merge onto US-51 S/Adams St. Turn right onto Northview Dr. The destination will be on your right. Your route is 6.6 miles total.
  • Begin on East County Line Road heading south. Turn right to merge onto I-20 West toward Jackson. Take exit 50A towards I-55 South/Brookhaven. Merge onto I-55 South and travel for around 4 miles. Take exit 98B for US-51 S/Adams St and keep left to continue on exit 98B. Merge onto US-51 S/Adams St and go for 1.5 miles. Make a right onto Northview Dr and your destination will be on the right just past Kilburn Ave. You will travel 11 miles total.
  • Start out on State St in downtown Jackson heading north. Turn right onto Pearl St and continue for half a mile. Take the ramp onto I-55 North. Drive for around 2 miles then take exit 100 for Briarwood Dr toward US 51/Northside Dr. Turn left onto Briarwood Dr then quickly turn right onto Northside Dr. After a third of a mile, turn left onto Northview Dr. 3829 Northview Dr will be on your right after passing Kilburn Ave. Your total travel distance is approximately 5 miles.